manufacturing plant with gas exhaust

The presence of toxic gas in a manufacturing environment is especially dangerous because the substances often exist in a confined space with limited escape paths. Workers on the manufacturing floor have the potential for exposure to many kinds of toxic gases. It is important to recognize warning signs for some of the most common types so you can act quickly if you suspect exposure.


Hydrogen Sulphide

  • Sources include pulp and paper manufacturing, rayon textile production, chemical and food manufacturing and waste disposal.
  • Low-concentration, short-term exposure symptoms include eye, nose and throat irritation, nausea, dizziness, difficulty breathing and headaches.
  • High-concentration, short-term symptoms are muscle cramps, low blood pressure, slow breathing and loss of consciousness.

Carbon Monoxide

  • It is present during any manufacturing process involving the burning of carbon-based fuels like gas and wood as well as in the meatpacking and chemical manufacturing industries.
  • The gas is colourless, odourless, tasteless and non-irritating, so the only warning signs may be headaches, vertigo or flu-like symptoms.


  • There are many types of solvents, but common examples include paint strippers and degreasers.
  • Fumes affect the central nervous system, so symptoms include dizziness, drowsiness, inability to concentrate, confusion and headaches.



Find Out More:

Download a copy of our “Manufacturing: Poisonous Gas Exposures” guide to learn more about how you can mitigate business losses as a result of risks and exposures: