computer coding

More than 3 billion phishing emails are sent out worldwide every day. Scammers use these emails to try to trick people into giving up sensitive confidential information about themselves or their company.

Here are 8 factors to consider and watch out for so you can avoid falling victim to email phishing scams:


1. Verify the sender’s email address. Scammers may pretend to be your bank, colleague or even a family member. Check any previous conversations with the sender or your address book to verify the email address.

2. Look for spelling errors. Various spelling or grammatical errors within an email can indicate fraudulent activity.

3. Never give out sensitive information. Most legitimate companies will avoid asking for personal information via email.

4. Be wary of urgent messages. People are more likely to give up sensitive information when pressured by a sense of urgency.

5. Call to verify requests. If you are skeptical of any requests made in an email, call the source directly to verify.

6. Avoid opening unsolicited attachments. Attachments can be embedded with malware – if opened, malware can steal sensitive information by gaining access to your computer or network.

7. Verify hyperlinks. Before opening a hyperlink, hover over the link text to verify the linked web address.

8. Contract IT or security teams. If unsure of an email’s validity, report it to your IT department or security team to have them check for fraudulent activity.


Cyber Assessments:

With the increased usage of technology in people’s lives to stay connected while mostly working from home, cybersecurity threats have also become a growing issue and require proper assessments to manage any security gaps and risks that can harm your business.

Therefore, it’s important to conduct proper cyber assessments to mitigate the possibility of having your company’s cybersecurity system breached.

Get a FREE Cyber Risk Assessment to see if you’re properly protecting your business from cyber risks: