Voyageur Global Benefits: International Business Travel Medical Short-term Business Traveler Plan For Mining Professionals.

Mining professionals who need to work and live outside of their country while on short-term assignments need to ensure they have a medical coverage plan that will protect their needs in the unlikely event of an emergency. Working with MetLife we’re able to provide you and your company with a group business travel policy through the Empire Life International Business Travel Medical (IBTM) plan. The IBTM plan provides coverage for emergency and urgent care to groups of mining professionals and their dependents while traveling outside their home country.

Key Features:

  • Portable, global access: maintain the same benefit level in nearly every country and territory
  • 24/7 assistance services
  • Standard and flexible plans available to provide the best option for your employees and your business
  • No “PreExisting Conditions/Stability” clause
  • No exclusion for COVID
  • Up to 180 days of continuous coverage, and 240 total days per year per employee while outside their home country
  • Simplified administration and enrollment requirements – there is no need for positive enrollment for each member
  • Coverage for contractors and directors, in addition to employees
  • Guarantee of Payment with most medical providers from MetLife

With this plan, your group can rest easy knowing your needs and interests will be well protected in the unlikely event of an emergency so you can simply focus on conducting business as usual, no matter where you are in the world.

For more information download the IBTM Travel Guide info guide, provided by MetLife, below.

    MetLife IBTM Travel Brochure

    To get started simply fill out the MetLife IBTM Travel Data Application below and send it to your Axis representative. We will work with our colleagues at O’Neill Group Global to help you get started and answer any questions you may have. 
