
In North America, many individuals will still be completing their first month working from home due to COVID-19. While most organizations were quick to support this transition, an at-home workforce presents a new kind of risk for businesses. As cybercriminals are consistently looking for ways to exploit vulnerabilities in network security, remote operations need to be particularly critical of what security measures are in place to mitigate this risk.

To help ensure that businesses protect themselves against cyberattacks when working from home during COVID-19, the World Economic Forum has published an article discussing:

  • How work-from-home policies can compromise cybersecurity
  • What cybercriminals are doing to exploit the pandemic by targeting both companies and individuals
  • The roles and responsibilities of business leaders and individual employees

To read their full insights, you can click here or the link below:

Despite the ever-changing landscape surrounding COVID-19, our team is here for you. With our services remaining at full capacity, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re happy to assist you with any questions you may have. 

Looking for a way to protect your business, information and customers against growing cyber threats? Get your free copy of our Cyber Liability Toolkit!