auto repair shop

Whether they perform routine maintenance (e.g., oil changes and tire rotations) or make significant repairs (e.g., brake repairs and coolant system services), auto repair and maintenance shops can help customers keep their vehicles in good condition and stay safe behind the wheel.

However, auto repair and maintenance shop owners also face a number of exposures that they will need to contend with on a daily basis in order to successfully run their business. It’s important to understand the challenges presented by these exposures, as they can cause significant damage to your customers’ property, serious physical harm to your employees and irreversible financial consequences for your business.

This questionnaire gives your business the opportunity to review risk categories specific to your operations and take action to address those risks:



  • Are signs posted to keep customers and visitors out of restricted areas?
  • If visitors or customers need to enter the work area, are they escorted, and is work halted?
  • Are hydraulic lift areas outlined to let authorized visitors know where they shouldn’t cross or stand?
  • Is the parking lot in good repair with well-marked spaces?
  • During winter, are the parking lot and sidewalks clear of snow and ice?


Completed Operations:

  • Are shop technicians properly certified by provincial standards?
  • Are original equipment manufacturer auto parts used when possible?
  • Does the shop purchase auto parts from trusted manufacturers or distributors?
  • Are all auto parts inspected by a qualified employee before installation?
  • If any auto parts are recovered from junkyards or scrap yards, are these parts thoroughly washed in a parts cleaning machine prior to installation?



  • Is there a preferred tank or vessel on-site for oil and fuel storage?
  • Are chemicals kept away from drains and properly disposed of?
  • Is wastewater run through an oil-water separator to hold oil in a tank?
  • Are qualified recyclers used for oils, used tires and refrigerants?
  • Are employees trained on the reporting requirements for spills?


Find Out More:

In addition to these risks, auto repair and maintenance shops face other unique risks as well due to the movement of vehicles and the presence of various equipment and chemicals. This list is not exhaustive, and assessing your company’s exposures and taking the appropriate precautions can go a long way toward protecting your business.

Download our “Loss Control Questionnaire: Auto Repair and Maintenance Shops” guide for an in-depth list of more ways to minimize gaps in your risk management: