landscaping work

Many landscaping tasks require the transportation of equipment and tools between job sites. As such, it’s important to secure these loads before transporting them to prevent safety incidents.

Whether you’re transporting equipment just down the street or for an extended distance, take a look at these key safety factors to keep in mind:


Using the Correct Equipment Vehicle

Use the right vehicle that has the capability to transport landscaping equipment. It is also a good idea to make sure that a securement system with proper parts such as headboards, bulkheads, stakes, and anchor points are in place for this transport vehicle as well.

If equipment is not properly secured and tied down, this can result in the equipment shifting or falling off the vehicle during transport and being damaged.


Conducting Thorough Inspections

Apart from having the correct equipment, it’s vital to inspect this equipment and the load itself to ensure that safe and effective securement is possible.


Check to make sure that:

  • Vehicle, securement system, securing devices, tie-downs and equipment in the load itself are fully cleaned and don’t contain any excess debris
  • Vehicle is in good condition, paying special attention to the fluid levels, brakes, seat belts, steering wheels and tires
  • Ensure that the equipment in the load doesn’t exceed the vehicle’s maximum capacity


Contain, Immobilize and Secure the Load:

Once you have inspected your equipment and confirmed that the load is a suitable size and weight for the vehicle being used, it’s time to secure the load.


Consider these steps:

  1. Before loading begins, be sure that the vehicle being used for transportation has the parking brake engaged. This will keep the vehicle from rolling away during the loading process.
  2. Utilize a securement system plan that suits the unique characteristics of the load and can properly distribute its weight
  3. Ensure that the securement setup won’t block the driver’s view, prevent the driver from freely moving their legs or arms, restrict the driver from accessing emergency materials (e.g., a first-aid kit or toolbox) or keep the driver and any passengers from being able to safely exit the vehicle


Ensure Compliance

Lastly, make sure that all load securement procedures are compliant with any applicable federal, provincial and local laws. Remember to review both the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) requirements and your specific province’s regulations regarding load securement.



Find out more:

Download a copy of our “Landscaping Safety Matters – Transporting Equipment” guide that has further information on safety tips for transporting equipment: