
International Women’s Day is March 8, 2021. As an organization dedicated to diversity, inclusivity, and equality, we continue to acknowledge and honour the achievements of all women across the world not just today, but everyday. 


International Women’s Day is a global day of celebration marking the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Occurring annually on March 8th, today is an important day where we celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness about women’s equality, lobby for accelerated gender parity, and encourage fundraising efforts towards female-focused charities.

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #ChooseToChallenge. This means choosing to challenge gender bias and inequality, choosing to recognize and celebrate women’s achievements, and choosing to be part of the movements that create a more inclusive world for all women.

As an organization dedicated to gender equality, Axis Insurance Group is proud to celebrate the women in our workplace each and every day. We are committed to providing an inclusive workplace where women are recognized and valued for their contributions to the company whilst also providing them opportunities for continuous growth in their careers.

We are forever appreciative of the impressive contributions of all the women within our organization who are instrumental in the everyday operations as well as the long-term success of the company as whole. We are committed to continuing to spotlight the work of all the women in our organization and motivate them to achieve their full potentials.

From everyone at Axis Insurance Group, we hope you will join us in acknowledging and actively celebrating all the achievements of women all around the world, both today and every day.


#InternationalWomensDay2021 #IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge