excavation contractor

Excavation contractors invest their expertise, time and energy to conduct a variety of soil-related tasks, such as grading and trenching. These tasks are often essential components of larger projects, whether it’s a new road, sidewalk, sewer line, piping system or foundation for a building.

However, as an excavation contractor business owner, you need to consider the risks related to property damage, equipment breakdowns, and environmental factors that can occur.

Therefore, it’s important for an excavation contractor to assess their exposures, avoid gaps in their risk management programs, and mitigate losses. Take a look at some of the risk categories and their considerations that should be kept in mind:


General Property:

  • Are storage tanks stored in compliance with the Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 (CEPA)?
  • If explosives are utilized for excavation purposes, are they stored and handled safely?
  • Are on-site fuel tanks inspected for leaks and damage?


Premises – Job Site

  • Before beginning work, is a topographical survey completed at the job site?
  • Has the project been checked to be compliant with all federal, provincial, and local excavation regulations?
  • Are controls in place to prevent the public from entering a job site?



  • Is soil thoroughly compacted after excavation for site preparation or trenching?
  • Are erosion barriers applied and erected whenever work takes place on sloped land?
  • If the project involves installing pipelines, are the new lines properly inspected?



  • Are there security measures in place for protecting earth-moving equipment?
  • Are there adequate maintenance and inspection procedures in place for earth-moving equipment?
  • Are there security measures in place to prevent trespassing and vandalism on-site?



Find out more:

Assessing your exposures and taking the appropriate precautions can go a long way toward protecting your business. Download our “Loss Control Questionnaire: Excavation Contractors” guide for an in-depth list of more ways to minimize gaps in your risk management: