McCarthy Tétrault LLP’s Mining Litigation Group has published their 13th Edition of Mining in the Courts exploring a number of notable cases in recent years that have directly involved or impacted the mining industry. The 13th Edition also explores the legal trends and what the industry can expect to face within 2023. Topics covered include:
- Aboriginal Law;
- Administrative Law;
- Arbitration;
- Bankruptcy and Insolvency;
- Class Actions;
- Conflict of Laws;
- Contracts;
- Environmental Law;
- Expropriation;
- Injunctions;
- Labour and Employment;
- Securities and Shareholder Disputes;
- Surface Rights and Access to Minerals;
- Tax Law; and
- Torts
Download this publication to read about some of the most significant cases in constitutional law, environmental law, and contract law that have impacted the mining sector in recent years, as well as take a look at a few news articles that give an in-depth insight to developing legal trends.
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Clive Bird
Senior Vice President, Mining & Technology
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