In our Talent Top 10 series we give readers the chance to get to know the friendly faces behind the Axis Insurance Group agencies. This week we asked 10 questions to our talented staff member Grant Alsop – Account Executive.


1. What’s involved in your current role at Shaw Sabey & Associates? Did you start in this role or take a specific career path to get here?

Prior to working at Shaw Sabey I was an Account Executive at two other Vancouver brokerages.

2. What’s the last book you read?

I just finished two. I read the biography of Dieter Brock who was a quarterback for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers when I was a kid and playing Pee Wee football at the time. I also just finished the biography of Lenoardo da Vinci.

3. What is the culture like for the team you work with?

I’d say it’s very good! Everyone is happy to collaborate and share information.

4. What’s the greatest gift you’ve ever received?

I’m a dad so I mostly get clothes and hand-made gifts.

5. What’s the most challenging part about your job?

Managing time.

6. Where is the best place you’ve ever traveled to and why?

Mexico because I have my wife’s family and friends to take me around safely.

7. How do you define success?

Good family life, maintaining a curiosity about everything and making enough money to experience everything with my family and what I want to do.

8. What’s your favourite show that you’re currently watching?

I don’t watch much TV at all so it’s mostly sports.

9. What has been the highlight of your career working at Shaw Sabey so far?

There have been a lot of great highlights which is good but I’ve really enjoyed seeing everyone more together in the same building within the past year and becoming such a large independent brokerage.

10. What was the first concert you ever attended?

Bon Jovi.

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