Complete your IP Insurance Application

"*" indicates required fields

First Name*
Last Name*
List any/all subsidiaries
Mailing Address

Products or Services

Trailing 12-Month Revenue

Estimated Next 12-Month Revenue

Risk Management

Have you entered into any contracts that impose any obligation to indemnify or hold harmless any third parties in the defense of any infringement proceedings?
Do you currently carry any Errors & Omissions or Professional Liability coverage?

Insurance Claims History

Have you ever faced an action brought by a third party in respect of actual or alleged intellectual property infringement, or other allegations in respect of misuse of intellectual property including trade secrets?
Are you aware of any facts, circumstances or situations that may give rise to a future claim involving intellectual property infringement, or other allegations in respect of misuse of intellectual property including trade secrets?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Our IP Specialists