Dane Gorton

Director, Business Development & Marketing

Axis Marketing
Axis Senior Management

I’m Dane Gorton, the leader of the Business Development and Marketing team at Axis Insurance. In my role, I fuse innovation with a deep understanding of our industry to craft strategies that propel our brand and client engagement forward. My journey in insurance spans over 14 years, specializing in commercial and personal insurance with a focus on real estate, hospitality, and professional liability sectors.

My expertise lies in marrying traditional insurance knowledge with cutting-edge digital marketing techniques. Since delving into the digital realm in 2015, I’ve developed sales pipelines, marketing strategies, and multiple brand launches that move the Canadian insurance industry forward. This blend of experience and innovation enables me to lead our team in creating unique, compelling experiences for our clients.

At Axis, my goal is to continue driving transformation of the Canadian insurance industry, setting the standard of best-in-class, growing our business, and ensuring our clients are equipped to lean into risk with confidence.

Beyond the professional sphere, I’m an avid hiker and outdoor enthusiast, which balances my interest for economics, finance, and emerging technologies like Bitcoin and A.I.

Writing by
Dane Gorton

Dane’s Team